Community Clinic
Worcester, Western Cape, South Africa
2022 - Completed
The Avian Park Clinic is a public clinic located within the suburb of Avian Park on the outskirts of Worcester. The purpose of the proposed Community Day Clinic (CDC) was to provide improved accessible healthcare facilities to the community. Avian Park’s population was growing and there was a need for a comprehensive health service in the area.
The building consists of a central core comprising of the lobby, waiting area, records room and dispensary. There is an east and a west wing where consulting rooms and ancillary service rooms are located respectively. The lobby leads into a large waiting area that has high level exposed trusses and full height glazing to the gable ends providing natural light throughout the spine of the central core.
Bright colours were chosen for several feature walls throughout the clinic. A brightly coloured mural painted by a local artist, depicting various iconic elements of the local area, adorns the waiting area. The building is constructed from conventional masonry. The trusses, which extend beyond the external wall, culminate in large exposed timber rafter overhangs, providing a shading structure for the facades, and ensuring protection from the harsh environment in summer.
Although it is an extensive site with a limited budget for landscaping, the area directly adjacent to the building has been landscaped. It includes a rockery of original Breede river stones and various indigenous plants. The children’s play area has benches, an artificial lawn and a brightly coloured screen wall protecting the space from the prevailing wind.